Home Energy Efficiency: Tips for Lowering Your Bills

Home energy efficiency is the practice of reducing energy waste in the home and utilizing energy-saving techniques to lower monthly energy bills. This is accomplished by making changes to the home’s structure, appliances, and electronics in order to increase energy efficiency. Home energy efficiency can benefit both the environment and the homeowner’s budget.

What is

Home energy efficiency, also known as residential energy efficiency, is the practice of reducing energy waste in the home. This is done by making changes to the home’s structure, appliances, and electronics in order to increase energy efficiency. Home energy efficiency can benefit both the environment and the homeowner’s budget.

Benefits of Home Energy Efficiency

The benefits of home energy efficiency are numerous. By reducing energy waste, homeowners can save money on their monthly energy bills. Additionally, energy-efficient homes are more comfortable, as they maintain a more consistent temperature. Finally, home energy efficiency can help conserve natural resources and reduce pollution.

Performing an Energy Audit

The first step in assessing your home’s energy efficiency is to perform an energy audit. During this audit, a professional will inspect the home and make recommendations on how to increase energy efficiency. The audit will also provide an estimate of the potential energy savings.

Gathering Information on Your Home

In addition to performing an energy audit, homeowners should also gather information about their home’s energy usage. This can be done by examining utility bills to see how much energy is being used. Homeowners should also take note of areas in the home where energy is being wasted, such as drafty windows or inefficient appliances.


One of the simplest and most effective ways to save energy is to replace incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs. LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional bulbs, and they last much longer. Additionally, installing dimmer switches can help reduce energy waste by allowing homeowners to adjust the brightness of the lights. Finally, utilizing natural light during the day can help reduce energy use.

Heating and Cooling

When it comes to heating and cooling, homeowners can save energy by programming their thermostats to only heat or cool when necessary. Installing a smart thermostat allows homeowners to further reduce energy waste by automatically adjusting the thermostat for optimal energy efficiency. Additionally, homeowners should seal any air leaks in the home and install insulation to help keep the home temperature consistent.

Appliances and Electronics

Unplugging unused devices and using power strips can help reduce energy waste. Additionally, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances can make a significant difference in energy usage. Finally, cleaning refrigerator coils on a regular basis can help ensure the appliance is running at peak efficiency.

Water Heating

Installing a programmable thermostat on the water heater is an effective way to save energy. Additionally, insulating hot water pipes and installing low-flow shower heads can help reduce energy waste. Finally, only washing full loads of laundry can help reduce energy usage.

Other Tips

Utilizing solar energy is an effective way to reduce energy waste. Installing weather-stripping on doors and windows can also help reduce energy loss. Utilizing ceiling fans can help regulate the temperature in the home, and opening window coverings during the day can help keep the home cool. Finally, utilizing smart home technology can help homeowners monitor and control their energy usage.

Home energy efficiency is an important practice that can benefit both the environment and the homeowner’s budget. By performing an energy audit, gathering information on the home’s energy usage, and utilizing energy-saving tips, homeowners can significantly reduce their energy bills.

1. “What Is Home Energy Efficiency? | EDF.” EDF. Accessed November 10, 2020. https://www.edf.org/energyefficiency/what-home-energy-efficiency.

2. “Energy Savings Tips for Home | EDF.” EDF. Accessed November 10, 2020. https://www.edf.org/energyefficiency/energy-savings-tips-home.

3. “12 Ways to Save Energy in Your Home | Department of Energy.” Energy.gov. Accessed November 10, 2020. https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/12-ways-save-energy-your-home.

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